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¥Data Storage

有多种选项可用于在 Ionic 应用中存储数据。

¥There are variety of options available for storing data within an Ionic app.

以下是两个官方 Ionic 选项:

¥Here are two official Ionic options:

Ionic 安全存储

¥Ionic Secure Storage

对于构建任务关键型应用或需要加密支持的团队来说,Ionic 安全存储 是 Ionic 团队的官方高级解决方案,提供可在 iOS 和 Android 上运行的跨平台数据存储系统。

¥For teams building mission-critical apps or requiring encryption support, Ionic Secure Storage is an official premium solution from the Ionic team that provides a cross-platform data storage system that works on iOS and Android.

它可以轻松构建跨 iOS、Android 和 Web 的高性能、离线就绪的 Ionic 应用。

¥It makes it easy to build high performance, offline-ready Ionic apps across iOS, Android, and the web.


¥Learn more


对于不需要加密或关系数据支持的开发者来说,@ionic/storage 是一个开源键/值 API,用于构建跨多个平台上的存储引擎工作的应用。

¥For developers not requiring encryption nor relational data support, @ionic/storage is an open source key/value API for building apps that work across storage engines on multiple platforms.

此外,Ionic Secure Storage 有一个驱动程序,可与 @ionic/storage 中的键/值 API 配合使用,同时提供加密和 SQLite 支持。

¥Additionally, Ionic Secure Storage has a driver that works with the key/value API in @ionic/storage while providing encryption and SQLite support.

了解有关 @ionic/storage 的更多信息

¥Learn more about @ionic/storage