Ionic VS Code 扩展
Ionic Visual Studio Code 扩展可帮助你执行开发 Ionic 应用时常见的各种功能,而无需离开 VS Code 窗口。你可以安装 Visual Studio Marketplace 上的扩展。安装扩展程序后,你将在活动栏中看到 Ionic 徽标。
¥The Ionic Visual Studio Code extension helps you perform various functions that are common to developing an Ionic app, all without leaving your VS Code window. You can install the extension on the Visual Studio Marketplace. Once you have the extension installed, you'll see the Ionic logo in the activity bar.
¥Create a New Project
从空目录中,你可以通过单击模板选项之一并提供应用名称来创建新的 Angular、React 或 Vue 项目。
¥From an empty directory, you can create a new Angular, React, or Vue project by clicking one of the template options and providing an app name.
创建新项目后,扩展将提供对 package.json
¥With the new project created, the extension will provide access to all of the common tasks in your package.json
添加 Capacitor
¥Adding Capacitor
你还可以通过选择 "集成 Capacitor" 将 Capacitor 添加到你的应用中。
¥You can also add Capacitor to your application by choosing "Integrate Capacitor".
通过集成 Capacitor,你现在可以使用 "在网络上运行"、"在安卓上运行" 和 "在 iOS 上运行" 选项在 Web、Android 和 iOS 上运行应用。
¥With Capacitor integrated, you can now run your app on web, Android, and iOS with the "Run On Web", "Run On Android", and "Run On iOS" options.
¥Doing More
Ionic VS Code 扩展可以提供很多帮助,包括迁移、调试、monorepo 支持等等。有关所有扩展功能的完整列表,请查看 VS Code Marketplace 上的扩展概述。
¥There is so much the Ionic VS Code extension can help with, including migrations, debugging, monorepo support, and more. For the full list of all of the extension's capabilities, checkout the extension overview on the VS Code Marketplace.