One Codebase
Any Platform
Just React
✓ 100+ 移动优化的 React UI 组件
¥✓ 100+ mobile optimized React UI components
✓ 带 react-dom 的标准 React 工具
¥✓ Standard React tooling with react-dom
✓ iOS / Android / Electron / PWA

使用你熟悉和喜爱的 React 构建跨移动和网络的出色应用。
¥Build awesome apps across mobile and web, with the React you know and love.
Ionic React 是 Ionic Framework 的原生 React 版本,Ionic Framework 是免费的开源 SDK,为全球数百万个关键任务应用提供支持。
¥Ionic React is native React version of Ionic Framework, the free, open source SDK powering millions of mission-critical apps all over the world.
它是你使用 React 为任何平台发布屡获殊荣的应用所需的一切。
¥It's everything you need to ship award-winning apps for any platform, with React.
¥Amazing Design
从 100 多个美观、适合移动设备的 UI 组件、动画和手势中进行选择,这些组件、动画和手势均轻量级且可定制,以适合你的品牌。
¥Choose from over 100 beautiful, mobile-ready UI components, animations, and gestures, lightweight and customized to fit your brand.

¥Familiar tooling
Ionic React 项目就像 React 项目一样,利用 react-dom 并进行通常在 创建 React 应用 (CRA) 应用中找到的设置。对于 路由和导航,React Router 在底层使用。兼容 React 16.8 及以上版本。
¥Ionic React projects are just like React projects, leveraging react-dom and with setup normally found in a Create React App (CRA) app. For routing and navigation, React Router is used under the hood. Compatible with React version 16.8 and above.

¥More than mobile
使用现代原生运行时 Capacitor,将你的 Ionic React 项目作为渐进式 Web 应用部署到原生 iOS、Android、Electron 和 Web。所有这些都具有一个共享的代码库。
¥Deploy your Ionic React projects to native iOS, Android, Electron, and the web as a Progressive Web App, using Capacitor, a modern native runtime. All with one shared codebase.

只是 React
¥Just React
归根结底,这只是 React。Ionic React 使用开放的 Web 标准和内置浏览器功能,因此它与数百万个 Web 库兼容。
¥At the end of the day, it's just React. Ionic React uses open web standards and built-in browser capabilities, so it's compatible with any of the millions of web libraries out there.
$ npm install -g @ionic/cli
$ ionic start myApp tabs --type react
$ ionic serve █
了解开始使用 Ionic Framework 构建令人惊叹的应用所需的基础知识。
使用 Ionic 和 React Router 了解应用内部导航的基础知识
了解如何在类组件中以及通过钩子使用 Ionic 生命周期事件