路由组件采用一个组件,并在浏览器 URL 与 url 属性匹配时渲染它。
¥The route component takes a component and renders it when the Browser URL matches the url property.
注意:该组件只能与普通和 Stencil JavaScript 项目一起使用。对于 Angular 项目,请使用 ion-router-outlet
和 Angular 路由。
¥Note: this component should only be used with vanilla and Stencil JavaScript projects. For Angular projects, use ion-router-outlet
and the Angular router.
¥Navigation Hooks
导航钩子可用于执行任务或充当导航守卫。通过向每个 ion-route
上的 beforeEnter
和 beforeLeave
属性提供函数来使用钩子。返回 true
允许导航继续,而返回 false
则导致导航取消。返回 NavigationHookOptions
¥Navigation hooks can be used to perform tasks or act as navigation guards. Hooks are used by providing functions to the beforeEnter
and beforeLeave
properties on each ion-route
. Returning true
allows navigation to proceed, while returning false
causes it to be cancelled. Returning an object of type NavigationHookOptions
allows you to redirect navigation to another page.
interface NavigationHookOptions {
* A valid path to redirect navigation to.
redirect: string;
- Javascript
- Stencil
- Vue
<ion-route url="/home" component="page-home"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/dashboard" component="page-dashboard"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/new-message" component="page-new-message"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/login" component="page-login"></ion-route>
const dashboardPage = document.querySelector('ion-route[url="/dashboard"]');
dashboardPage.beforeEnter = isLoggedInGuard;
const newMessagePage = document.querySelector('ion-route[url="/dashboard"]');
newMessagePage.beforeLeave = hasUnsavedDataGuard;
const isLoggedInGuard = async () => {
const isLoggedIn = await UserData.isLoggedIn(); // Replace this with actual login validation
if (isLoggedIn) {
return true;
} else {
return { redirect: '/login' }; // If a user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the /login page
const hasUnsavedDataGuard = async () => {
const hasUnsavedData = await checkData(); // Replace this with actual validation
if (hasUnsavedData) {
return await confirmDiscardChanges();
} else {
return true;
const confirmDiscardChanges = async () => {
const alert = document.createElement('ion-alert');
alert.header = 'Discard Unsaved Changes?';
alert.message = 'Are you sure you want to leave? Any unsaved changed will be lost.';
alert.buttons = [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'Cancel',
text: 'Discard',
role: 'destructive',
await alert.present();
const { role } = await alert.onDidDismiss();
return (role === 'Cancel') ? false : true;
import { Component, h } from '@stencil/core';
import { alertController } from '@ionic/core';
tag: 'router-example',
styleUrl: 'router-example.css'
export class RouterExample {
render() {
return (
<ion-route url="/home" component="page-home"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/dashboard" component="page-dashboard" beforeEnter={isLoggedInGuard}></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/new-message" component="page-new-message" beforeLeave={hasUnsavedDataGuard}></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/login" component="page-login"></ion-route>
const isLoggedInGuard = async () => {
const isLoggedIn = await UserData.isLoggedIn(); // Replace this with actual login validation
if (isLoggedIn) {
return true;
} else {
return { redirect: '/login' }; // If a user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the /login page
const hasUnsavedDataGuard = async () => {
const hasUnsavedData = await checkData(); // Replace this with actual validation
if (hasUnsavedData) {
return await confirmDiscardChanges();
} else {
return true;
const confirmDiscardChanges = async () => {
const alert = await alertController.create({
header: 'Discard Unsaved Changes?',
message: 'Are you sure you want to leave? Any unsaved changed will be lost.',
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'Cancel',
text: 'Discard',
role: 'destructive',
await alert.present();
const { role } = await alert.onDidDismiss();
return (role === 'Cancel') ? false : true;
<ion-route url="/home" component="page-home"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/dashboard" component="page-dashboard" :beforeEnter="isLoggedInGuard"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/new-message" component="page-new-message" :beforeLeave="hasUnsavedDataGuard"></ion-route>
<ion-route url="/login" component="page-login"></ion-route>
import { alertController } from '@ionic/vue';
const isLoggedInGuard = async () => {
const isLoggedIn = await UserData.isLoggedIn(); // Replace this with actual login validation
if (isLoggedIn) {
return true;
} else {
return { redirect: '/login' }; // If a user is not logged in, they will be redirected to the /login page
const hasUnsavedDataGuard = async () => {
const hasUnsavedData = await checkData(); // Replace this with actual validation
if (hasUnsavedData) {
return await confirmDiscardChanges();
} else {
return true;
const confirmDiscardChanges = async () => {
const alert = await alertController.create({
header: 'Discard Unsaved Changes?',
message: 'Are you sure you want to leave? Any unsaved changed will be lost.',
buttons: [
text: 'Cancel',
role: 'Cancel',
text: 'Discard',
role: 'destructive',
await alert.present();
const { role } = await alert.onDidDismiss();
return (role === 'Cancel') ? false : true;
Description | A navigation hook that is fired when the route tries to enter. Returning true allows the navigation to proceed, while returning false causes it to be cancelled. Returning a NavigationHookOptions object causes the router to redirect to the path specified. |
Attribute | undefined |
Type | (() => NavigationHookResult | Promise<NavigationHookResult>) | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | A navigation hook that is fired when the route tries to leave. Returning true allows the navigation to proceed, while returning false causes it to be cancelled. Returning a NavigationHookOptions object causes the router to redirect to the path specified. |
Attribute | undefined |
Type | (() => NavigationHookResult | Promise<NavigationHookResult>) | undefined |
Default | undefined |
Description | Name of the component to load/select in the navigation outlet (ion-tabs , ion-nav ) when the route matches.The value of this property is not always the tagname of the component to load, in ion-tabs it actually refers to the name of the ion-tab to select. |
Attribute | component |
Type | string |
Default | undefined |
Description | A key value { 'red': true, 'blue': 'white'} containing props that should be passed to the defined component when rendered. |
Attribute | undefined |
Type | undefined | { [key: string]: any; } |
Default | undefined |
Description | Relative path that needs to match in order for this route to apply. Accepts paths similar to expressjs so that you can define parameters in the url /foo/:bar where bar would be available in incoming props. |
Attribute | url |
Type | string |
Default | '' |
Name | Description | Bubbles |
ionRouteDataChanged | Used internally by ion-router to know when this route did change. | true |
No public methods available for this component.
CSS 阴影部分
¥CSS Shadow Parts
No CSS shadow parts available for this component.
CSS 自定义属性
¥CSS Custom Properties
No CSS custom properties available for this component.
No slots available for this component.